首页 > it的复数


单数 this that it/he/she is 复数 these those they are
单数 this that it/he/she is 复数 these those they are单数 you 复数 you 单数 复数 you you your your yours
单数 you 复数 you 单数 复数 you you your your yoursit,that,one的用法比较 it that 特指前面提到过的同一
it,that,one的用法比较 it that 特指前面提到过的同一单数 this that it is 复数 these those they are
单数 this that it is 复数 these those they are既可指代可数名词也可指代 不可数名词 that复数形式为those 第4页
既可指代可数名词也可指代 不可数名词 that复数形式为those 第4页